Haworth Empowers People to Work Their Best

We partner with customers, dealers, and the design community to create and furnish exceptional workplaces.


Who We Are

For over 75 years, Haworth has brought an entrepreneurial spirit to the commercial furniture industry. We’re a global, value-led company with a rich heritage of innovation.

Haworth Fern chairs in knitted fabric

Design-Forward Approach

Haworth’s international studios partner with renowned designers to shape the style, form, and functionality of our products.

Haworth Archibald & Resonate lounge

More than Office Furniture

While Haworth is known for our standout ergonomic chairs, we offer a full suite of furniture and décor for offices, hospitality spaces, and more.

Haworth HQ rooftop view

Sustainability at Our Core

Haworth has been zero waste to landfill since 2012. Environmental stewardship and sustainable manufacturing are key parts of our mission.

Shop Now

Our e-commerce store offers customers the option to purchase Haworth products directly.


Find a Dealer

Our dealer network collaborates with commercial clients and A+D firms to deliver workplace solutions.


Our Customer Stories

Haworth works with organizations alongside our dealer partners. Our customers include companies of various sizes and industries, health systems, universities, nonprofits, government buyers, and more. We have a worldwide client base and create spaces built for their unique needs.  

UbiSoft Montreal Studio

A video game developer created a pilot space to influence all their global studio locations.


A Fortune 100 company built a new, LEED-certified building to embrace modern work trends.

LPAS Architecture + Design

An A+D firm transformed their employees’ approach to work with a new office.

Explore Haworth Products

 Haworth’s holistic office furniture portfolio includes task chairs, architectural products, and modular workstations. Our ancillary products bring aesthetics and functionality to commercial and residential spaces. Haworth blends innovative design, user research, and quality materials to create outstanding products. 

DesignLab 2024

In June, we featured a collective of artists at NeoCon, the world’s leading commercial interior design event. DesignLab’s central theme was sustainability through circular design, and the group pushed the boundaries of traditional design with new, innovative ideas.


Read Our Spark Articles

Haworth building hybrid culture with its furniture

Building Culture in Hybrid Work Environments

Designing office spaces to accommodate hybrid work patterns improves an organization’s culture and enables people to do their best work.

Haworth promoting circular design & sustainability

Exploring Sustainability and Circular Economy

Circular economy principles aim to eliminate waste and pollution, circulate products and materials, and regenerate nature.